Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Raw Truth

I almost failed on the first day of NewBetterImprovedMe, putting off walking the dog at every opportunity, making the usual excuses and rationalizations and finding other things that needed doing instead. But at 10pm last night, my husband and I took a short walk up the street in the beautiful moonlight with Zelda the wonder dog. (and Spike one of our cats who loves to follow his dog).

So yes! Goal #1 on Day #1 just barely accomplished but still accomplished. It is amazing to me, how great I am at putting up barriers and sabotaging my own best intentions for myself. I need to use my awesome powers for good instead of evil...

The second most important goal for me was to drink a green smoothie for most of my lunch time eating. That was more easily accomplished, because I love them, even though I've gotten out of the habit over the last six months or so. From sheer laziness? Or did I get tired of them? I really couldn't say, just that I've been telling myself over the last few months I need to start making those green smoothies again...So here I am actually doing it, yay me!

My recipe is from the

Green for Life book which is written by a really interesting woman named Victoria Boutenko. There are all kinds of reasons to eat raw foods, some of which make complete sense to me, some of which don't. There is absolutely some scientific evidence to back up all the anecdotal evidence in this book. This is not something I could envision doing 100%, going completely vegetarian and to boot, raw, ie. uncooked. But I found that having a green smoothie once a day made a big difference in how much energy I had. So I'm going back to it to see if I'll get that energy boost again. Plus it is a great way to eat more greens and fruit.

My recipe on this day was:

  • 1 cup Frozen Strawberries, (which taste great but make the smoothie kinda icky brownish),

  • two big handfuls of raw spinach,

  • one pretty ripe banana,

  • one small clementine orange

  • a tablespoon of Flax Seed Oil,

  • a teaspoon of Agave Nectar,

  • and about a cup and a half of water.

  • All blended up really well in the blender.

The fun thing about these smoothies is that it doesn't exactly taste like spinach or fruit, it just tastes GREEN and very FRESH.

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