Awwww, I was just checking in with my food spread and the GoRed Better U website and my son saw what I was working on. He came over and hugged me and said "I'm really glad you're doing this mom. So you can come do more stuff with us and go more places." Mother proceeds to melt with happiness. My answer was "Yes, and to live longer too!" He looked a bit surprised, but said "Yes, that's even more important!" I'm so lucky to have him on my support team.
Arrggh, so no change in my weight this week. Why?
I stopped tracking my eating, I think I got bored, or just didn't want the accountability. I also got frustrated with my pedometer because I had several instances of hours of activity registering as hardly any steps. They really only work for people who walk, not for gardening or other activities. And walking out of my driveway is a steep hike, not just a walk. It is just a number, which isn't terribly accurate about total activity, BUT having that daily push to get to 1o,000 steps really works as a motivator for me, so I need to wear that thing, like it or not.
I had a few days where my back was really hurting me in that way that indicates it is about to get much much worse, so I took it easy (ie laid around and didn't do the WiiFit or much walking) because I was single parenting this week and thus needed to be able to drive my kids around. I also was feeling emotionally very low as this was the last week that my husband was away on a business trip. Comfort eating was the order of the day several times. I also didn't have a single green smoothie, no wonder I'm so off! Duh.
Good things were that I again did not buy myself any candy, and only ate the dark chocolate covered almonds when I worked in my studio, I chewed a lot of sugarless gum. I ate a lot of really fresh carrots and vegies from our CSA farm basket. The best thing of the week was taking a long walk in the woods with my darling husband and dog on the day that he returned. Wish I'd been wearing my tennis shoes and not my sandals, now I have a great blister on the top of my foot, yeouch!
The picture above shows my new pedometer, which broke, dang it! The little hinged clip lost the pin holding it on, so I found some wire small enough, and wired it back together with some beads. What do you want for $9.99 right?
So Monday finds me back tracking what I'm eating, and wearing my pedometer again. Here's to Week 7! This week is all about the cholesterol, which is one of my big concerns, as mine is really quite high. I'm looking forward to an all olive oil week! With bonus walking which will be tracked by pedometer.
WiP Wednesday - Hand Work
6 years ago
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