Here's my green smoothie from two days ago. Spinach, Frozen Strawberries, Banana, Green Grapes, Agave, Water and Flax Oil all blended together. I didn't have one yesterday since I wasn't home much, and when I was, I wasn't hungry. I'm looking forward to one today because I got some nice fresh spinach at the local farmer's market. So that will go into the blender, stems and all.
I made a much better choice than I normally would have at the luncheon I attended yesterday. Instead of sauce smothered or fried-up seafood, I got a Greek shrimp salad with a vinaigrette. Very nice. Instead of a Coke, I ordered an ice tea and only put a teensy bit of sugar in. Instead of using up all the butter on my roll, I used only about 1/4 of it. This is a really big point here for me, because I lose all sense and discretion and restraint when I'm out at a restaurant. I'm glad that I'm thinking about what I eat as each choice is set in front of me. It helps to have a few guidelines (like baked, not fried) that are at the top of your mind when you go into a restaurant situation.
No dog walking happened, but I took a good walk while I was out. Yes it was through the mall, but I was on a bowtie-procurement-deadline so I was going much faster than mall-crawling, even walking up the escalator. After all the whizzing around I was way too pooped when I got home, sorry about that Zelda.
I'm down to my last banana, time to make up a grocery list using some of the recipes that I found at the BetterU website. One of them involves brown rice (and it says to use frozen brown rice! Never heard of this???), so I have to remember to start that cooking earlier than normal.
Love that nutty flavor of brown rice.
WiP Wednesday - Hand Work
6 years ago
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